I’m Will Mitchell. Build, learn, repeat.
Like many people, I didn’t start out in tech. I studied Economics in college and worked in real estate for a few years before picking up coding as a hobby. I quickly realized it was much more fun than my day job and decided to make a career switch.
Since those early days, I’ve worked as a software engineer, technical lead, instructor, and manager. Most recently, I led a team of engineering educators at the Turing School of Software & Design.
In the fall of 2023, I decided to make another pivot, and spend some time as a full time dad, while my wife, daughter, and I travel the country in our RV. When I’m not chasing a toddler around, I spend my time learning new technologies, building side projects, and writing about my experiences.
If you're interested in collaborating on a project, or just want to chat, feel free to reach out to me via whatever avenue you prefer!